



Virtual EyeCare Reviews

I am Dr. Scott Hadden - owner of both Virtual EyeCare with its 8 locations across Minnesota and Wisconsin - and Hadden EyeCare Associates, with 6 locations in the Minneapolis-St Paul area. I have been associated with Wal-Mart for nearly 30 years and was honored to be chosen National Wal-Mart Doctor of the Year in 2017 and Regional Doctor of the Year several times. I am committed to providing exceptional vision care for all of our patients and the new Virtual eye exam experience, with the amazing technology we use for the exams, has been a great way for our patients to have an outstanding eye exam. We have already performed over 1000 virtual eye exams and our demand grows each day. Call one of our 8 locations and come see for yourself - our digital refractors and incredible cameras will give us the tools to provide exceptional care for you and your family! The Walmart staff will provide options for great value on eyeglasses and contact lenses, We look forward to seeing you soon!

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